Concordia Nebraska recognizes faculty and staff for service

Seward, NE (01/31/2025) — On Monday, January 27, Concordia University, Nebraska recognized milestones of faithful service for faculty and staff, as well as commissioned and ordained ministers of The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod (LCMS) at a special anniversary service.

Those being honored were also recognized during the daily chapel service in the Weller Chapel Auditorium on Concordia's campus. Faculty and staff members are recognized for calendar-year service in multiples of five-year increments.

"Concordia's mission is brought to life each day by God at work through His people, and we are truly honored to have an inspiring group of people who embrace the mission and have devoted years, even decades, of faithful service," said President Bernard Bull.

"As much as we are incredibly grateful to the generous donors and others who have invested in our beautiful campus and buildings," Bull said, "we know that it is who these buildings house that make the biggest difference, and that includes the many faculty and staff who heed God's call to serve and lead at Concordia. What a blessing they are to the students and to the entire Concordia community!"

Among the faculty recognized were two featured members of Concordia's faculty: Assistant Professor of Education Dr. Drew Gerdes and Senior Director of Development and Engagement Scott Seevers, both of whom celebrated 25 years of service to the LCMS as commissioned ministers this year.

Bull said, "Concordia is also honored to have a very large number of commissioned and ordained ministers of religion in our community, many of whom bring years of experience in Lutheran churches and schools to their calling at Concordia."

The list of employees includes (in descending years of service, then alphabetically by last name):

Dr. Kent Einspahr, Department of Computer Science & Mathematics, 45 years

Dr. Vicki Boye, Department of Health & Human Performance, 35 years

Kay Rohren, Departments of Art & Natural Sciences, 35 years

Dr. Rob Hermann, Department of Natural Sciences, 25 years

Rev. Dr. Paul Holtorf, Department of Theology, Philosophy & Biblical Languages, 25 years

Dr. Kathy Miller, Department of Human & Social Sciences, 25 years

Dr. Brian Albright, Department of Computer Science & Mathematics, 20 years

Gene Brooks, Department of Student Affairs, 20 years

Dr. Matt Phillips, Department of History, Geography, Intercultural Studies & Modern Foreign Language, 20 years

Dr. Nolan Harms, Department of Health & Human Performance, 15 years

Todd Kallenbach, Chartwells, 15 years

Prof. Don Robson, Department of Art, 15 years

Prof. Amy Royuk, Department of History, Geography, Intercultural Studies & Modern Foreign Language, 15 years

Ryan Dupic, Athletics, 10 years

Ken Franks, Aramark, 10 years

Gerald Henthorn, Aramark, 10 years

Dr. Jamie Hink, Department of History, Geography, Intercultural Studies & Modern Foreign Language, 10 years

Bethany Landrey, Registrar's Office, 10 years

Peter Landrey, Classroom Innovation & Online Education, 10 years

Susan Mehl, Registrar's Office, 10 years

Matt Myers, Academic Resource Center, 10 years

Matthew Schranz, IT Services, 10 years

Emilie Ashenbach, Athletics, 5 years

Tim Bergoldt, Chartwells, 5 years

Lucas Brettmann, Campus Security, 5 years

Rebekah Freed, Department of Student Affairs, 5 years

Dr. Ed Hoffman, Department of Human & Social Sciences, 5 years

Tracy Howell, Graduate Admissions, 5 years

Carrie Kober, Alumni Council & Regional Ambassadors, 5 years

Kelly Shaver, Alumni Council & Regional Ambassadors, 5 years

Becke Smith, Alumni Council & Regional Ambassadors, 5 years

Cory Smith, Alumni Council & Regional Ambassadors, 5 years

Kathleen von Kampen, Graduate Studies, 5 years

The list of ordained and commissioned ministers celebrating anniversaries of service to the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod includes:

David Held, 65 years

John Suhr, 65 years

William Wolfram, 65 years

Ron Bork, 55 years

Stanley Obermuller, 55 years

Rev. Russ Sommerfeld, 45 years

Terence Groth, 40 years

Paul Gnan, 35 years

Rev. Dr. Hans Trinklein, 30 years

Dr. Drew Gerdes, 25 years

Scott Seevers, 25 years

Dr. John Jurchen, 20 years

Rev. Dr. Kristopher Morris, 20 years

Dr. Anna Boriack, 15 years

Dr. John Genter, 15 years

Carrie Kober, 15 years

About Concordia University, Nebraska

Concordia University, Nebraska, founded in 1894, is a fully accredited, coeducational university of The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod located in Seward, Nebraska, which currently serves more than 1,700 students. Concordia offers more than 100 undergraduate, graduate and professional programs in an excellent academic and Christ-centered community that equips men and women for lives of learning, service and leadership in the church and world. For more information, visit


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